Friday, August 26, 2016

Use Facebook Ads To Attract More Clients

Facebook Ads Make a Huge Impact In Your Business - Rhonda Swan
Promoting your business with social media is the “hottest thing since sliced bread”, and I don’t see any signs of it cooling down.
Don’t believe me? Just take a look at these statistics from around the web:
  • 78% of people who use social media to sell perform better than their peers (Forbes).
  • 64% of people who use inbound social selling achieve their targets (The Aberdeen Group).
  • 90% of all buyers admit that by the time they come into contact with the seller directly, they’ve already decided that they’re going to buy via social media (Forrester).

The Bottom Line About Facebook Ads

With over 2.2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is almost certainly where your ideal clients are hanging out online. Facebook also recently rolled out a new Ad Preference feature. The great thing about this, is that Facebook is able to tailor ads to people even more.
If you’re not making any attempt to reach them using Facebook ads, you’re leaving good money on the table and clients who need you, in the dark.
Anyone who’s played with the Power Editor knows there’s a lot more that goes into setting up an effective Facebook ad campaign, besides writing copy that connects and uploading a picture that pops in the news feed.
Let’s face it: if your ad doesn’t reach enough of the right people, the leads that do convert will wind up costing you a whole lot more.

How to Get More Facebook Engagement on Your Posts

The more people see your posts, the better it is for the growth of your business. When people see what you have to say and engage with it, then Facebook will reward you and share your post with more people.
There are a few simple ways that you can get more people to see what your posts. I call this posting with purpose.
For example, if I am going to post a picture of something, I will write something that people can really engage with. I will share a story about the picture or talk about something that will inspire me. In closing, I’ll ask a question that will get people engaging in the comments.
Once people start commenting, you need to write a message back to them in the comments section, not the reply section. Instead, you will use the @ sign and their name in the comment section. This will give you more engagement on the post. Simply using the reply button will not do that.
Another thing that you can consider doing is replying with another picture. Sometimes, I’ll comment a picture of myself or something relevant to make it a bit more personal.

Promoting Posts and Ad Campaigns

Those few tips I gave you will help out with your natural and organic traffic on posts. However, if you want to really shoot your engagement through the roof, you can boost your posts. Also, you can create ad campaigns that will get your message in front of more people.
If you are interested in Facebook marketing you can this information inside of the Freedom-Preneur Academy.
We have put together step by step guides on how to build successful campaigns and exactly what you need to do to promote them.
You’ll learn how to:
  • Use Facebook video ads for .01 a view and reduce your cost per lead through retargeting
  • Promote your lead magnets, webinars and offers with targeted Facebook ads.
  • Master the Facebook Power Editor so you can confidently place your own ads.
  • Determine where your ideal clients are hanging out and which audiences to target with your campaigns for the best conversion.
  • Market the new Freedom-Preneur Sales Funnel and let us do the rest.
  • I will also reveal my secret weapon or having sexy image ads DONE FOR YOU.
We tell you about the different types of ads you can post and when it is best to use each kind. There are 10 different types of ads, so it can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you are doing.
Source: How to Use Facebook Ads Manager

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