Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Many business owners are not prepared for when the phones are slower to ring in the quieter months as they were busy making money with their seasonal products and holidays where people spend more and now when they enter the quieter months hit they are n a panic to make sales.

When I ask business owners what marketing plan do they have for their business I am left with blank looks by many.
There are some businesses that have no marketing plan at all which is a worry to think that sales will stop as they try to grab customer dollars with a rush on their marketing efforts.
Marketing on social media needs to be consistent especially when you stop marketing everything stops and it takes a while to get things going again and to keep your audience engaged.
Organic traffic can sometimes take up to 3 months while strategies are put into place using local SEO and social media methods to promote your business.
Depending on the keywords used there are some keywords that are very competitive and you may never get to rank for these exact keywords as those companies with bigger dollars and who have deeper pockets will pay their way to the top of the search engine.
The answer is then to use less competitive long-tailed keywords to circulate in articles and posts that you write. Get more reviews and a whole range of strategies to use to get you seen all year round to give you a flow of customers all year round covering the quieter times.
Please reach out to me with email at info@needava.com or
visit our website http://needava.com/